SLP-Mom Approved Gift Guide: Baby Shower

As a SLP, one of the most common questions asked by friends is, “I have a baby shower coming up, what should I get?” Here is a compiled list of some of my (and my daughter’s!) favorite baby items! These items are linked to my affiliate page on Amazon!

Books For Baby:

Here are some of my favorite books for reading to our brand new bundles of joy! These books incorporate simple, repetitive lines, concrete and colorful pictures, gesture and functional language information!

Books For Parents:

These books are sentimental and wonderful keepsakes for new parents. They are also great books to read as our little ones grow!


Here are some of our favorite toys for early development!


  • EzPz Tiny Cup: Did you know, developmentally speaking, there’s no need to use a sippy cup when introducing water? We love this silicone open cup, developed by a SLP feeding specialist!

  • Silicone Plates with Suction: These plates portion out 3 sections, perfect for introducing your baby to a variety of foods! The silicone material makes it easy to wash, and the suction feature will slow even the quickest baby from picking it up and sending their meal across the room :)

  • Prespoons: These early utensils are perfect for encouraging independent feeding with purées and chunky purées!

  • Bumpkins Smock: This is an absolute must have in our home! This long sleeved smock is perfect for keeping your baby squeaky clean, no matter how messy their meal is. Perfect for exploring first foods, and later for arts and crafts!

  • Teetherpop Fillable Ice Pop Mold: We have 4 of these in my house! We have filled these with breastmilk, water, and fruit purees/yogurt which have been amazing for teething and exploring new foods!

  • Honey Bear Straw Cups : The classic therapist recommended introduction to drinking from a straw!

  • ComoTomo Silicone Teether

  • Teething Straws

Happy Shopping!